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Tahoe Donner Senior Alpine Ski Club

HomeGroup Leader Guidelines

Group Leader Guidelines

Be friendly and engage club members, especially new members

Organizing groups at the ski area

  • Help Resort Host check in skiers to insure all skiers are present

  • Assist Resort Host in distributing lift tickets and collecting money, if necessary

  • Assist Resort Host in forming ski groups, generally 6 +/- skiers per group

  • Use Sign Up Sheet to adjust groups based on skier abilities, attendance and interests

Bringing ski groups together and departing to the ski lift

  • Bring ski groups together before heading out for the slopes

  • Make introductions and remind members to use club armbands
  • Confirm skier ability levels and ski interests

  • Discuss ski plan for the day after soliciting input from the group (groomers, off-piste, powder, all out speed, relaxed runs, etc.)

  • Briefly discuss the first areas that will be skied

  • Emphasize the importance of staying together and informing Group Leader if leaving the group

  • Identify a meeting place and time if separated; remind skiers of lunch plans

  • Head to ski lift around 9 am  

  • Insure all group members are present at the top and bottom of each lift throughout the day

On-slope Responsibilities

  • Stay aware of the location of all group members at all times

  • Stop at top of lift to insure all skiers are present; review route and next ski lift destination

  • On the ski run, stop as appropriate and especially at turns, to allow all skiers to remain together, especially when group members ski at different speeds

  • Assign a sweeper for  each run (last skier down the run to track members and insure group is together)

  • Check in with group members periodically to see how they are doing, whether they have questions or concerns, whether they would like assistance or if any changes in plans are desired

  • Regroup at bottom of runs/lifts and insure all know where the next run will be

  • Ensure group members know when the group is departing to the lodge for lunch, when the group is heading back to ski from lunch and quitting for the day

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

2020 Public/div>